On the one hand, who are we trippymedshop beings to think we can have any effect at all on something as vast and incomprehensible as the Universe-in which we are so minuscule as to be inconsequential, and may be sloughed off the face of the earth as easily as a snake may shed it skin? On the other hand, as aspects of the Infinite Ineffable Intelligence, our evolutionary destiny lies in recognizing our Oneness: understanding that there is no 'other' and that as such, whatsoever we do to or for another we are only doing to or for our own selves. Then, in the same way that all of Nature fulfills its function perfectly - predator and prey maintaining balance in their populations; bees and birds pollinating and propagating; fruits and flowers reproducing and nourishing; flood and drought and fire cycling through the seasons-so too mankind may fulfill its dharma. And while one might argue that Dharma cannot help but be fulfilled, in this moment of history the impetus and need to gr...